What are verrucae?
Verrucae are one of the most common foot problems amongst children and young adults. Although they can affect anyone and appear anywhere on the skin, the feet are particularly susceptible.
Verrucae are caused by the Paploma group of viruses. The virus tends to thrive in damp conditions and is mainly transmitted in communal areas such as swimming pools, showers, gymnasia floors through direct contact with the skin. The virus is contagious and gains entry to the body through micro-injuries to the skin.
What to look for!
Verrucae are normally clear or white in colour with a rough crumbly surface, sometimes covered in a layer of hard skin and often with black/brown flecks in them (which are blood vessels). They vary in size from 3 to 30mm (or more) in diameter and can appear in clusters.
They can grow rapidly and often begin as small speckled or shiny areas.
Are they painful?
Verrucae can sometimes be painful, especially those which are pressured from standing or walking. If the surface becomes fissured or picked the verrucae may bleed.
Treatment options
Verruca appointments are routinely half an hour long. Use of caustics and cryotherapy will generally involve two or three follow up visits ten days apart in order to remove the dead tissue and reapply the treatment.
Chemical therapy involves use of caustics such as salicylic acid, monochlorocytic acid, nitric acid or silver nitrates often in combination. After application the area is well padded for comfort.
Cryotherapy involves use of liquid nitrogen to create a freezing effect on the affected tissue causing cellular disruption and removing the virus.
If you prefer to try a home treatment, try Bazuka or ask your pharmacist for advice. Also, eating green vegetables and leading a healthy diet encourages a healthy immune response.
Please note that verruca is a virus and can return until your body builds immunity.
Here at Woodside Clinic we do not offer cryotherapy.
You can book online with one of our podiatrists.